Botanical Art Worldwide 2025
Heirloom Species and Cultivating Plants of Korea
About this Exhibition
Korea National Arboretum and The Korean Society of Botanical Illustrators decided to jointly participate in the Botanical Art Worldwide 2025 by holding a juried exhibition on the theme of heirloom species and cultivating plants of Korea for over 50 years.
The Korean Society of Botanical Illustrators and Korea National Arboretum
steering committee
Koo, Jee-Yeon (Korean Society of Botanical Illustrators)
Kim, Huk-Jin (Korea National Arboretum)
Lee, Yun-Sun (Korea National Arboretum)
Yi, Seung-Hyun (Korean Society of Botanical Illustrators)
Kang, Hye-Jong (Korean Society of Botanical Illustrators)
Prize money will be given
Three botanists and three artists will be appointed as judges
Open to all Koreans currently living in Republic of Korea
Submission date
September 23-27, 2024. In person or by mail
Acceptances and regrets will send by October 15, 2024
Awards ceremony
November, 2024
exhibition Dates
May 22, 2025 - 2weeks at Korea National Arboretum
June 8, 2025 - ~2weeks at COEX
Korea National Arboretum in Po Cheon City & COEX in Seoul
Korea National Arboretum in Po Cheon City
COEX in Seoul
more information
Korea National Arboretum: 031-540-8811 or
Jee-Yeon Koo, President of Korean Society of Botanical Illustrators. email:
Botanical Art Worldwide 2018
Flora of Korea
About this Exhibition
Korea's exhibition is organized by the Korean Society of Botanical Illustrators along with the Korea National Arboretum. A competition was held to select artworks to be featured in the Botanical Art Worldwide Exhibition in Korea, and a total of 13 pieces of artwork selected based on the evaluation of six judges on October 13, 2017. The expert judges included three botanical artists (Ms. Robin A. Jess, Ms. Mieko Ishikawa, and Ms. Jee-Yeon Koo) and three botanists (Prof. Won-Kyi Back, Dr. Kyung Choi, and Dr. Hyuk-Jin Kim). The award ceremony was held on December 4, 2017 at Korea National Arboretum. For the Exhibition, a total of 40 pieces of botanical art are featured, including the 13 selected artworks and 27 pieces (illustrated by 18 professional botanical artists) from the Korea National Arboretum Native Plant Collection. Of the 40 pieces to be featured in the Exhibition, 38 pieces represent 38 native plant species of Korea, and the remaining two pieces illustrate Hibiscus syriacus L. and Althaea rosea (L.) Cav., both of which are familiar and well-loved by Koreans for a long time. The Botanical Art Worldwide Exhibition in Korea will open on May 18, 2018 at the Korea National Arboretum Gallery in Pochon, and begin a tour to major botanical gardens and arboreta around the country.
The awardees:
· MAFRA Minister's Award ($2500): Joo-Young Lee (Wrinkled-margin gymnandenia)
· KFS Minister's Award ($1500): Su-Mi Kim (Donnang pasque-flower)
· KNA Director General's Award ($500): Hee-Soon Baik (Asian beach jackbean), Soon-Won Koo (Ulleungdo hemlock) and Jee-Yeun Seo (Prickly waterlily)
· Finalists ($300): Young-Suk Lee (Manchurian peashrub), Kea-Hyung Lee (Korean necklace pod), Seon-Ae Na (Seashore pink), Eun-Jin Ahn (Oriental columbine), Min-Jeung Son (Poison-bulb), Ga-Hee Han (Round-leaf hylotelephium), Yeong-Deok Ryu (Siebold's greenbrier), Jae-Young Min (Hollyhock).
The poster for Flora of Korea
This delicate slipper orchid is very rare in Korea, amounting to about 200 plants in the wild, and is listed on Appendix II of CITES. The artist, Jee-Yeon Koo, as principal director for the national project to illustrate rare and endangered Korean plants, has painted many rare Korean plants, including this Cypripedium. It appeared in a 1794 engraving in Icones Plantarum Japonicarum, authored by Carl Thunberg.
Cypripedium japonicum, watercolor on paper, ©Jee-Yeon Koo
One of the images selected for the Flora of Korea exhibition, Pulsatilla tongkangensis, watercolor on paper ©Su-Mi Kim and Korea National Arboretum, recipient of the KFS Minister's Award.
Gymnadenia camtschatica, wrinkled-margin gymnadenia, watercolor on paper, ©Joo-Young Lee and Korea National Arboretum, recipient of the MAFRA Minister's Award.
Korean Society of Botanical Illustrators and Korea National Arboretum
Steering Committee
Jee-Yeon Koo
Seung-Hwan Oh, Ph.D.
Seung-Hyun Yi
Hyuk-Jin Kim, Ph.D.
exhibition Venue
Korea National Arboretum
Courtesy Jee-Yeon Koo
Korea National Arboretum, 415, Gwangneungsumogwon-ro, Pocheon-si, Gyeonggi-do